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Day-Domains: Holiday.day for your tourism offerZoom Button

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Day-Domains: Holiday.day for your tourism offer

Day-Domains: Holiday.day for your tourism offer

  • You can now get holiday.day for your tourism offer.

We are able to provide you the relevant trademarks at short notice and you can participate in the sunrise period of the Day-Domains. Of course, you can also use other terms. Do you want some.day or any.day? That would of course also be possible. If you are interested in our offer, please contact us.

If you don't like the solution with holi.day, you can opt for the Holiday-Domains.

The Day-Domain becomes now available for the general public.

The sunrise period runs from December 14, 2021 to January 25, 2022. During the sunrise period, Trademark owners may apply for Day-Domains of the same name. It is necessary to register the trademarks with the Trademark Clearinghouse.

The General Availability starts on February 1st, 2022

Day-Domains are the ultimate domains for every important day: The Day-Domains are “speaking domains” that say something.

The registry explains: “The mission is to provide a dedicated domain space in which registrants can enact second-level domains that relate to memorable, special, or hallmark days and/or physical or online events.”

The Day-Domain is a safe domain to draw attention to important days. It’s the perfect choice to celebrate a birth.day, wedding.day, or another day. Pick your day, seizethe.day.

It is now common in the USA and other countries to announce congresses, conferences, trade fairs, and other events as “Day” (of an industry or company). The Day Domain is also the perfect domain for this. Instead of “mechatronics-day.com” you can register mechatronics.day.

This domain is smarter and shorter. The shorter a domain, the more memorable it is. Domain retention forms an important key in marketing a domain’s website.

Hans-Peter Oswald

Day Domains

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