spoke exclusively to Inbaal, a renowned Psychic, to finally unveil the three lucky numbers for each of the 12 Zodiac signsZoom Button

Inbaal, a renowned Psychic, Informationen zu Creative Commons (CC) Lizenzen, für Pressemeldungen ist der Herausgeber verantwortlich, die Quelle ist der Herausgeber spoke exclusively to Inbaal, a renowned Psychic, to finally unveil the three lucky numbers for each of the 12 Zodiac signs spoke exclusively to Inbaal, a renowned Psychic, to finally unveil the three lucky numbers for each of the 12 Zodiac signs

Astrology has been a source of guidance and direction for many with “daily horoscopes” searched on #Google around 735,000 times on average monthly around the world.

Having detected people’s attachment to their star signs, sought to find out which are the luckiest numbers each #Zodiac sign should be harnessing in their everyday life for good fortune. 

To do this, »« spoke exclusively to Inbaal, a renowned Psychic, to finally unveil the three lucky numbers for each of the 12 #Zodiac signs.

Aries, 9, 45, 54, March 21 to April 19

“Your childlike charm invites luck to your side! As your ruling planet is Mars - linked with the number 5 - and your Tarot card is the Emperor - number 4 - have fun playing around with your lucky numbers 45 and 54 to and even their total sum, the number 9. With this in mind, and your lucky days being Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, the weekend is likely to be where you get the most out of these numbers.”

Taurus, 2, 12, 35, April 20 to May 20

“Taking your time is your motto, there’s no rushing you to the finishing line. The number 7 represents your ruling planet, Venus. The Tarot puts you at number 5, the Hierophant, also ruled by Venus. Let’s add these two to create a 12, subtract them to make a 2, and multiply them to 35, completing a trio of fortunate figures for you.”

Gemini, 14, 66, 88, May 21 to June 20

“Your indecisive nature means you’ll be tempted to bet against yourself! In the Tarot, your card is the Lovers, which is numbered 6. You are ruled by the planet Mercury, the chatty star, and that carries the number 8. You’ll do well to double them, Twins-style, to create 66, 88 as your lucky digits, and add them to make 14 to your bonus number. Keep in mind your lucky days are also a pair, Wednesday and Thursday.”

Cancer, 7, 9, 63, June 21 to July 22

“Kind, you keep yourself to yourself. Unsurprisingly, you are ruled by the Moon, preferring night-time and the shadows, over the bright lights of midday to making the night your luckiest time! In the Tarot, you are the Chariot card. The Moon’s number is 9 and the Chariot 7 to as a solitary creature we will not double or combine but we can multiply to make 63.”

Leo, 48, 68, 86, July 23 to August 22

“Proud and loud, you are a born winner, and you can’t stand to lose. You will be thoroughly unsurprised to learn that your Tarot Major Arcana card is called Strength, associated with the number 8, and your ruler is the Sun itself, in all its glory, linked with the number 6. You like things big, so play with big numbers 68/86 and multiply for 48. Any day’s lucky for Leo so let’s get it!”

Virgo, 72, 89, 98, August 23 to September 22

“Your organized and logical nature makes you want to view patterns, not rely on planets and luck. That’s exactly why your Tarot card is the cautious Hermit, number 9. Planetary influences come courtesy of Mercury, linked with the number 8. Go high with lucky numbers 98, 89 and also 72 as their multiple. Wednesday is your lucky day.”

Libra, 7, 11, 77, September 23 to October 22

“Gentle and indecisive, lucky numbers are your saving grace. No more making your mind up to just go for what works! Gentle planet Venus is your ruler with the lucky number 7, and Justice, 11, is your Tarot card. Use 77 as your everyday lucky number, as well as 7 and 11 on their own.”

Scorpio, 10, 13, 100, October 23 to November 21

“The most mystical of all the signs, you believe this stuff, even if you don’t let anyone know! Your planetary ruler, Pluto, has no number! So, let’s call it zero and let you play with 10, and also 100. Add to that your extra lucky number 13, which is unlucky for most, after the Death Tarot card, which represents your sign. Your lucky day is Tuesday.”

Sagittarius, 4, 14, 56, November 22 to December 21

“You’re fun, loving and reckless, you won’t listen to crazy ideas about lucky numbers, you love making your own rules! And yet… Jupiter, your magnanimous ruler is associated with the number 4, and your Tarot card, Temperance, with the number 14. Use 4 and 14 as your basic lucky numbers, and if you fancy throwing them together, then multiply to 56. Ruled by the planet Jupiter, Thursday is your lucky day to play.”

Capricorn, 5, 18, 45, December 22 to January 19

“You absolutely love the smell of money, and the sight of watching it roll in … so get used to winning by harnessing the powers of your Tarot card, the Devil, number 15, and your planetary ruler, steadfast Saturn, linked with the number 3. Multiply them to make 45, your lucky number, divide them to have the number 5, a beautiful prime number, and add them together to make 18, an auspicious number in many cultures.”

Aquarius, 1, 11, 17, January 20 to February 18

“You are mysterious and unique, they broke the mould when they made you, and so your Major Arcana Tarot card is the much-coveted Star at 17, and your planet is Uranus, number 1! Increase the magic by going for magical Angel number 11, first number 1, and beautiful Prime number 17 as your lucky threesome. However, the self-obsessed Aquarius needs to be cautious to you cannot win every day so try your luck on the weekend with your lucky days being Saturday and Sunday.”

Pisces, 16, 20, 36, February 19 to March 20

“A loving and romantic sign, you’re everyone’s go-to when they need to pour their heart out. In the Tarot, the Moon shows up as your image, with the number 18. The planet Neptune, number 2, controls your urges. Add them together to make 20, subtract them to make 16, and multiply them to add up to 36.”

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