The best houseplant for your zodiac sign revealedZoom Button

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The best houseplant for your zodiac sign revealed

The best houseplant for your zodiac sign revealed

With the rise of working from home, more and more people are using houseplants to brighten up their living areas and working spaces. Along with refreshing the room, research has found that they also have a myriad of health benefits. 

A study from NASA revealed that plants have the capacity to remove up to 87% of air toxins from a room within 24 hours. Another report from Healthline found that houseplants can reduce stress, increase attentiveness, raise productivity and help you recover from illness faster.

Find more in the Ultimate Guide to Gardening with Dogs, more

With this in mind, the experts at Clear It Waste Collection investigated which houseplant is most suitable for each zodiac sign. They analysed the main characteristics of each zodiac sign to work out which greenery was the perfect match, meaning absolutely everyone knows how to join the houseplant hysteria.

  • Aries like to have a big presence in any room—therefore the Calathea is their ideal plant

  • Masters of balance and resolution, Libras fit well with the harmonious Peace Lily

  • Scorpios are known for their independence and persistence, which makes the hardy Cast-Iron Plant their perfect match

  • All of these plants have the ability to purify the air in any space—from simply converting CO2, to cleansing the air of a number of chemical pollutants

Aries (March 21st—April 19th), Houseplant: Calathea (Prayer Plant)

Bold rams love to have a big presence in any room which is why the Calathea (Prayer Plant) is a perfect fit. With lush multi-coloured foliage; everyone's gaze will never be too far away, and similar to their star sign counterpart, Prayer Plants can wilt from a lack of attention.

Taurus (April 20th—May 20th), Houseplant: Ponytail Palm

Like bulls, the Ponytail Palm loves to relax in serene environments. Preferring to bask in the sun, this plant is forgiving in nature; only needing rays half the time to thrive. Their low maintenance watering needs of once every few weeks also align well with Tauruses’ trademark patience & perseverance.

Gemini (May 21st—June 21st), Houseplant: Bromeliad

Gemini is a busy sign that some say needs a clone of itself in order to get everything done. The Bromeliad does exactly that! This long-lasting plant produces pups that will replace the original. Like their zodiac counterparts, too much attention is the biggest turn off for this greenery, so water sparingly.

Cancer (June 22nd—July 22nd), Houseplant: Asparagus Fern

Those under the Cancer sign are attractive yet intuitive, meaning they easily pick up on any energy around the home. An Asparagus Fern is similar in that it can thrive in the right environment but also possesses a need for healthy attention.

Leo (July 23rd—August 22nd), Houseplant: Yucca

This spirited fire sign is known to enjoy the sun while holding a natural air of regality, much like the Yucca plant and its expansive plumage. The Yucca embodies vivacity and is a great plant to bring a taste of nature indoors, provided you bring the sunshine in with it!

Virgo (August 23rd—September 22nd), Houseplant: Begonia

This earth sign represents practical, perfectionist qualities that match the Begonia plant perfectly. Its beautiful blooms come in a variety of colours and patterns that need minimum upkeep when situated well indoors. This allows detail orientated Virgos time to focus on other areas of their lives.

Libra (September 23rd—October 23rd), Houseplant: Peace Lily

Libras champion harmony and equality, which makes them perfectly suited to the Peace Lily. The Peace Lily is great for detoxifying the home, beautiful to look at and considered one of the easiest plants to care for. This combination makes it suitable for any space or situation, just like Libras.

Scorpio (October 23rd—November 21st), Houseplant: Cast-Iron Plant

Scorpios are strong characters that embody independence and persistence. As its name suggests, the Cast-Iron Plant shares similar traits. Considered one of the hardiest plants to grow indoors, it’s comfortable at extremes that others wouldn’t survive, just like members of this water sign.

Sagittarius (November 22nd—December 21st), Houseplant: African Violets

This sign is known for being spontaneous and having a thirst for adventure. In African Violets a Sagittarius would find a good match with one of the most popular houseplants across the world. Like the fire sign this plant has a few quirks involved in its care, but if these are met it will produce an elegant display of purple petals.

Capricorn (December 22nd—January 19th), Houseplant: Guiana Chestnut (Money Tree)

Capricorns are known for being practical, ambitious and self-reliant. The Guiana Chestnut is a perfect match with a low maintenance personality and slender, interwoven roots to keep its flowers and fruits on another level. The Feng Shui belief that this plant brings luck to its owner will also help with this sign’s lofty aspirations.

Aquarius (January 20th—February 18th), Houseplant: Air Plant

This humanitarian sign represents a mystical healer who bestows water and life upon the land. An Air Plant is a great fit for this zodiac. They are epiphytes, which means that they grow beside other plants or in suitable gaps, not in soil—breathing new life into everything they touch. Mist them regularly to keep them hydrated, or immerse in water for an hour if in need of rejuvenation.

Pisces (February 19th—March 20th), Houseplant: Jade Plant

The Jade Plant is an apt botanical comparison to reflect the conflicted nature of the Pisces sign. Liable to fade if not given enough water, but quick to bounce back when their needs are met, with proper care these plants can grow to up to six feet tall. They’re often generational good luck gifts within families, reflecting the giving nature of this water sign.


  • Clear It Waste Collection set out to determine which houseplants are best suited to each zodiac sign; based on their personality traits, needs and appearance

  • To collate a seed list of houseplants to review, they trawled through several publications such as Better Homes & Gardens, Country Living, PureWow etc. to identify the plants best aligned with the characteristics of each zodiac sign

  • Clear it Waste Collection then reviewed previous research by NASA and#health-considerations"> Healthline to identify the general benefits of having houseplants in your indoor space

  • Clear It Waste Collection subsequently utilised Cosmopolitan for a thorough breakdown of each zodiac sign's commonly accepted characteristics, to analyse which ones could apply to houseplants

  • All data was collected on 03/02/2021 and is subject to change


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