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Dropbox named one of “Most Innovative Companies” in 2022 by Fast CompanyZoom Button

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Dropbox named one of “Most Innovative Companies” in 2022 by Fast Company

#Dropbox named one of “Most Innovative Companies” in 2022 by Fast Company

Dropbox Team. March 11, 2022

“We’re proud to announce that Dropbox was included in Fast Company’s Top 10 Most Innovative Companies list in the workplace category.”

The annual list honors businesses that are reshaping both industry and culture. This year, Dropbox was recognized for rethinking the traditional office and workday with our human-first approach, Virtual First. As part of this way of working, we introduced Dropbox Studios, unique spaces for cross team collaboration and team building. We also launched Core Collaboration Hours, dedicated blocks of time for meetings that employees can build more flexible work schedules around.

This year’s rankings feature 528 organizations across 52 categories. Fast Company sought out groundbreaking businesses across the world and also judged nominations received through their application process. Dropbox previously made Fast Company’s World’s Most Innovative Companies lists in 2012, 2014, 2017, 2020 in the #internet, #productivity, enterprise, and workplace categories, respectively.

“We’re honored to be recognized for our innovation and aim to continue making an impact as we work to build a more enlightened way of working.”


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