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Act Now to Save Our Planet, every minute and every drop of fuel counts in the urgent fight against climate changeZoom Button

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Act Now to Save Our Planet, every minute and every drop of fuel counts in the urgent fight against climate change

Act Now to Save Our Planet, every minute and every drop of fuel counts in the urgent fight against climate change

Since 2010, Yara Marine has been at the forefront of emissions reduction solutions for the maritime industry. Today, Yara Marine offers a portfolio of cutting-edge green technologies, such as SOx scrubbers, fuel optimization systems, turnkey shore power solutions, and the advanced wind-assisted propulsion system Wind Wings.

Yara Marine works with ship-owners, yards, and naval architects as partners to reduce maritime emissions and drive the change towards a greener maritime industry.

Yara Marine is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with branches in Sweden, Poland, and China.

Yara Marine Technologies

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