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Chat GPT-Powered AI Restaurant Operations Manager Unveiled by Clear COGS Live in Las VegasZoom Button

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Chat GPT-Powered AI Restaurant Operations Manager Unveiled by Clear COGS Live in Las Vegas

Chat GPT-Powered AI Restaurant Operations Manager Unveiled by Clear COGS Live in Las Vegas

  • First look at the new technology to take place at MURTEC 2023 convention.

Chicago, February 28th, 2023

Clear COGS has announced that their AI Operations Manager, a new chat-based tool for restaurants to gain control of their operations, will be officially unveiled at #Murtec 2023 (Multi Unit #Restaurant Technology Convention). The AI Ops Manager is powered by Chat GPT and it sits on top of both historical and forecasted data to allow restaurants a full past and future look at their business. This product offers a new way for restaurant operators or managers to find solutions to their day-to-day challenges and ask the questions that need immediate answers.

“We’ve had the AI Ops Manager vision for a while”, says Matt Wampler, CEO at Clear COGS. “We’re able to execute that vision much faster by employing Chat GPT tech.”

Since the start of the company, Clear COGS has been using AI to do restaurant demand forecasting. By accessing the data that already exists, they can generate detailed and accurate predictions on what to expect from each upcoming shift. This is crucial information for restaurants that, on average, have razor-thin margins. What this new Chat GPT feature will do is allow restaurateurs access to vital information at pivotal decision points. “What’s really exciting is not just that it’s a translation layer”, says Matt, “but it’s able to add value to the data.”

Clear COGS states that the system will be able to answer questions as general as, “How was business last week?” and as specific as, “How many plain bagels should I bake today?”

The Clear COGS AI Operations Manager will be unveiled on March 6, at the #Murtec #convention.

About Clear COGS

Clear COGS provides operational efficiency for modern #food-service businesses. We empower restaurant operators with the tools and information they need to make proactive decisions to reduce management stress. We measure our success by the impact our tools have on the bottom line and the clarity in your #business operations.

Clear COGS Online

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