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Saab receives order from NATO for RBS 70 Bolide missilesZoom Button

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Saab receives order from NATO for RBS 70 Bolide missiles

#Saab receives order from NATO for RBS 70 Bolide missiles

Saab has received an order for RBS 70 Bolide #missiles from the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA). The order value amounts to SEK 350 million and deliveries will take place during 2027.

“Through the order from the NSPA, we see NATO countries continued interest in our missile systems. This order is proof of their trust in our knowledge and in the RBS 70 system,” says Görgen Johansson, head of Saab’s business area Dynamics. 

The RBS 70 system has an installed base in more than 19 countries, with 1,600 RBS 70 systems and more than 18,000 missiles delivered. The Bolide missile is the 3rd generation, all target, short range air defence missile from Saab. With the Bolide missile, the RBS 70 system targets a complete threat spectrum: from fixed and rotary wing aircraft, down to small targets such as cruise missiles and UAVs, with a range of more than 9 kilometres and with altitude coverage in excess of 5,000 metres. More

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